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Wildlife Consulting

Specializing in the conservation, ecology and management of threatened species, populations & natural systems

How We Can


Services provided

From environmental assessments to wildlife surveys, species-at-risk recovery or re-introduction biology strategies, we provide an array of services for various wildlife, zoological and environmental needs.

Some examples of provided services:

Wildlife Surveys & Monitoring

  • Breeding Bird Surveys

  • Pre-clearing Surveys

  • Aerial Raptor Surveys

  • Bird Trapping & Banding

  • Noctornal/Diurnal Owl Surveys

  • Nest Surveys

  • Radio & Satellite Telemetry

  • Bat Monitoring

  • Raptor Nest Mitigation

  • Invasive & Feral Species Management

Environmental Monitoring

  • Baseline Ecological Inventories

  • Rare Plant & Animal Surveys

  • Habitat and Wetland Restoration Projects

  • Species-at-Risk Surveys

  • Invasive Species Surveys

  • Environmental Impact Assessments

  • Riparian Area Assessments

Conservation Breeding

  • Hand-rearing Techniques & Protocols

  • Incubation Techniques

  • Biosecurity & Health Management

  • Enclosure Design

  • Studbook & Record Keeping

  • Reintroduction & Translocation


Myles Lamont, RPBio, CWB, CE, AAg

Having worked in the wildlife management, conservation and zoological sectors for over ten years in a variety of different fashions, Myles has developed a strong interest in wildlife conservation strategies and the development and implementation of creative conservation methodologies. 


Drawing on experiences working both intensively with species-at-risk in the ex-situ state, in addition to wildlife monitoring and research in a more hands-off approach, he has come to value the varying techniques and tools available to conservation managers and how these can be practically carried out in the field. By approaching potential projects and collaborations using these gained perspectives, he have been able to provide clients and partners with creative research objectives and solutions to wildlife programs...

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